How to build a Linport portfolio by "hand":

Click here for additional Linport portfolio documentation

Step 1: Create a new folder

Open windows explorer to perhaps the c-drive or some other location you will remember

Right click somewhere not on an existing file or folder

Select new > folder

step one

Step 2: Inside the first folder create a folder named 'portinfo' and another named 'payload'

Right click somewhere inside the folder created in step 1

Select new > folder

name the new folder 'portinfo'

Right click again somewhere inside the folder created in step 1

Select new > folder

name the new folder 'payload'

step two

Step 3: Inside the portinfo folder create a folder named 'misc' and a file named 'metadata.xml'

Right click somewhere inside the folder created in step 1

Select new > folder

name the new folder 'misc'

Add any miscellaneous files that are relevant to the entire portfolio to the new 'misc' folder

Select new > Text Document

name the new file 'metadata.xml'

Another option is to use an xml editor or a text editor such as notepad to create and save a new file with the .xml extension

name the new file 'metadata.xml'

step three

Step 4: Add relevant metadata information about the WHOLE portfolio to metadata.xml

Open the metadata.xml file in an xml or text editor

Use the metadata reference page found: here to create a metadata.xml page filled with information that describes the whole portfolio

All information is stored between 'metadata' tags. All other available labels can be taken from the reference page.

All metadata elements are optional. However, the slanguage and tlanguage elements should be included if you are planning on splitting the portfolio into TIPPs

As shown in the picture below, add metadata information in between starting and ending element tags using the appropriate label as the tag name

step four

Step 5: Inside the payload folder create all relevant language folders

Right click somewhere inside the payload folder

Select new > folder

name the new folder with the language code of the language of the document you will add to the portfolio

A list of language codes can be found here

Repeat for as many languages as needed

step five

Step 6: Inside each language folder create a folder to contain each text that pertains to that language

Right click somewhere inside the language folder

Select new > folder

Name the folder the SAME NAME as the document it will contain

step six

Step 7: Inside each document folder create a 'doc' folder and an 'assist' folder

Right click somewhere inside the document folder

Select new > folder

Name the folder 'doc'

Right click somewhere inside the document folder

Select new > folder

Name the folder 'assist'

step four

Step 8: Inside each doc folder place the document file

Each doc folder can only contain one file

step four

Step 9: Inside each assist folder place the files that go along with the document, such as glossaries and translation memories

These documents pertain only to the document contained in the doc folder, not the portfolio as a whole

The assist folder can also contain a metadata.xml file like in step 4. This metadata.xml file would only contain metadata information about the document contained in the doc folder, not the portfolio as a whole.

Please see step 4 if you desire to create a metadata.xml file for this document.

step four

Step 10: Zip the portinfo and payload folders to complete the portfolio

Go to the folder containing the portinfo and payload folders

Highlight both the portinfo and payload folders using Ctrl + left click

Release the Ctrl button and right click the highlighted folders

Select Send to > Compressed (zipped) folder

Name the new Linport portfolio (the .zip file)

step four

You now have a complete Linport portfolio

If you would like to split your portfolio into TIPPs

click here